
·  将营养纳入考虑范围  /  Take nutrition into account


The senior dietitian of Yupinyuan Catering helps customers establish meal preparation rules, advocate low-fat cooking,promote the selection of seasonal vegetables, and adjust the amount of dishes and the use of each matching ingredientaccording to the energy needs of differenttarget customers.Make healthy and nutritious meals safe, nutritious, deliciousand rich.

·  以顾客的需求为本  /  Based on customer needs


Yupinyuan Catering makes catering with local characteristics according to staffriends from different regions to meet thedifferent tastes of staffriends.Implement multiple food supply modes such as set meals and free order meals, so as toensure that people can eat for a long time without being tired, and everyone can adjust. Regularly develop new dishes ofHunan cuisine, Sichuan cuisine , Huaiyang Cuisine, Northeast cuisine, pasta Dim sum, etc. to meet the needs of customersto a greater extent.

·  结合季节和地域特色  /  Combine seasonal and regional characteristics


According to the regional characteristics and seasonal changes, Yupinyuan Catering proposes an ideal balanced dietmodel to harmonize the metabolism of the human body.Based on the nutrition research of different foods, our chefsreasonably arrange your daily meals, pay attention to the nutrition of food and scientific cooking to ensure the balancednutrition needs of the human body.